We are a thought partner


It will require the best and brightest across all sectors to support efforts to create equity in education.  We sit in a unique place in the space at the intersection of communities, educators, governments, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs.  We welcome the opportunity to share what we are learning with you and to be a thought partner in what is possible.

We can add to your capacity by:

  • Sharing market research findings and case studies that capture the innovative strategies educators are pursuing to improve student outcomes and learning
  • Supporting those you work with in reaching financial independence and prosperity.  (See services for nonprofits and edtech)
  • Scaling the impact of proven approaches through custom, technology-enabled training.  We can coordinate all the logistics of capturing what is working and contextualizing it for local communities.
  • Identifying barriers that are preventing the scaling or adoption of what otherwise appear to be promising practices and offering thoughts on potential solutions

As a funder, you are in a position to influence systems change.  We want to provide you with any and all information we have at our disposal to help you determine the best ways to use that influence.  Please sign up to receive updates on what we are learning, and know that we are always available for a phone call or a coffee.