We ensure projects get completed


Educators in the classroom, in the school building and in the district or network office all have too much to do, not enough time to do it, and the stakes are high: you are supporting and nurturing our children.  You know what you would do differently if you had the time.

We can add to your capacity in any of the following ways to give you that time:

  • Meeting with the stakeholders required to solicit feedback and get buy-in on your idea, identifying potential barriers to implementation and finding solutions.
  • Performing any interviews or quantitative analysis required to make the case for why your idea will improve student outcomes and why it is affordable.
  • Creating a project plan based on stakeholder feedback that clearly articulates roles, responsibilities, and deadlines, and managing that project through to completion.
  • Creating a communications plan that parallels the implementation plan, ensuring that the roll out of your idea is well received by all impacted.

We recognize that the education system is evolving and that the direction can and should be set by educators.  We also recognize that a thoughtful measured approach to change is both essential and time consuming.  We want to help; and by allowing us to do so, we hope to be able to elevate your vision for transformation with nonprofits, edtech, philanthropy and others who want to support learning.