We streamline stakeholder engagement


We can help you to elevate the voices of those you serve by adding to your capacity in any of the following ways:

  • Articulating your goals for stakeholder engagement, clearly defining how feedback will be used to inform the design of your program

  • Determining guiding questions for stakeholder conversations

  • Identifying the best stakeholders to engage and performing coordination required to set up those conversations

  • Conducting stakeholder interviews, asking probing questions throughout the meeting to uncover the heart behind the statements

  • Providing detailed notes and quotes from each conversation

  • Performing secondary research as needed to contextualize stakeholder feedback as it relates to your stated goals

  • Synthesizing notes from across stakeholder conversations in order to create implementation plans, communication plans, product road maps, and other defined deliverables

  • Circling back to stakeholders with a summary of how their feedback was incorporated into action plans

  • Working with you and/or your team to ensure that any promised follow ups for stakeholders are delivered

We believe in taking a partnership approach to working with stakeholders.  In our conversations, we aim to share your work and vision, understand the work and vision of your stakeholders, and find areas of common ground and alignment.  Through this meeting of the minds, we can not only achieve the stated purpose of the initial engagement work, but we can often uncover new opportunities and raise awareness.