We help you become financially sustainable


The work nonprofits do is incredibly valuable - this is why you do it, and it is also why it is possible to develop earned income streams that will support your financial sustainability and grow your impact.   

We can add to your capacity in any of the following ways to show you how:

  • Designing and executing a market research plan to substantiate and quantify the value offered by existing and potential programs, including how that may vary by audience.
  • Analyzing market research results to define and set pricing for services, create financial models that project both expenses and revenue, and provide narratives that tell the story of your mission and progress to potential funders and clients.
  • Providing the business expertise required to establish the systems and processes required to support a fee-for-service model, including the development of marketing and sales strategies, operational procedures for contract management, and the required financial processes to track revenue, perform collections, and manage cash flow.
  • Working with your team to find the best methods for quantifying the impact of your work, establishing new processes as needed for data collection and analysis as well as case study creation.
  • Partnering with your clients and your team to establish strategies for continuous improvement, turning "research and development" into an additional earned income stream while simultaneously ensuring that all of your programs remain grounded in the needs of those you serve.

We believe in taking a partnership approach.  In our conversations, we aim to share your work and vision, understand the work and vision of your clients, and find areas of common ground and alignment.  Through this meeting of the minds, we can not only achieve the stated purpose of the initial engagement work, but we can often uncover new opportunities and raise awareness.